We, Andrew’s family, are bringing suicide awareness & support to others via our Foundation’s efforts.
We have experienced incredible success with our You Never Walk Alone Golf Charity events. The gorgeous Oaks Golf Links in Somersworth, New Hampshire will be hosting us again in 2025!
Thank you to each and everyone of you for your continued support and participation. Because of you, 2024 has been another successful fundraiser golf event.
Your donations, attendance, and support have helped us in our mission to raise funds for behavioral and mental health issues. Our fight to stop the stigma, towards suicide awareness, suicide prevention and mental health for all is not over! We are confident that 2025 will be another great year with you!
Our Never Walk Alone Inc. Golf Tournament has been lovingly created in memory of Andrew Michael Casey who passed away 9-17-2019 from suicide. Since Andrew’s passing we have raised over $160,000, from our charity fundraising, to support mental health issues. We could not have done this without all of you, our friends, volunteers, family and generous sponsors!
We, Andrew’s family, passionately believe that those in need of support should “NEVER WALK ALONE”. Together, we will strive to continue with your generous support!
Be sure to make plans to join us on June 20, 2025 for our 6th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at none other than The Oaks Golf Links
$150 Golfer Fee 👉
$600 Foursome Fee 👉
Would you like to become a Sponsor in 2025?
Please click here to contact Sherri and Sam & find out how you can join us in 2025.
Become a Hole Sponsor in 2025!
Tap the ‘Buy Now’ button below to purchase your 2025 sign to be posted at a golf.
Hole Sponsor Signs are $100.00 per sign
Check donations always welcomed throughout the year made payable and mailed to:
You Never Walk Alone Inc.
P.O. Box 959 West End N.C. 27376
Email inquiries to: neverwalkalonefoundation@yahoo.com
Donations always accepted via PayPal
Our success at the 5th Annual Golf Tournament 2024
“Never Walk Alone Inc. continues to be a major partner in helping Maine communities heal. Since 2019, The Never Walk Alone Foundation has raised over $155,000 to advance suicide prevention in Maine through their Annual Andrew M. Casey Memorial Golf Tournament.”
Please click here or on the image below to be directed to NAMI Maine’s full article.
NAMI Maine: As the largest grassroots mental health organization delivering advocacy, education, and support in the state, NAMI Maine is dedicated to building better lives for everyone impacted by behavioral health concerns. Incorporated in 1984, The Maine Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness engages with leaders and community partners at all levels to improve the state’s mental health system through collaboration and education. Learn more at namimaine.org For full citations, visit: nami.org/mhpolicystats
Another Milestone Reached with Your Support in 2024!
We too are thrilled to announce that Never Walk Alone has proudly raised an incredible $27,000, which has been donated to the amazing efforts of NAMI Maine, an organization dedicated to providing vital behavioral and mental health support every single day.
We couldn't have achieved this without the overwhelming love and support from you, our community. To everyone who contributed—whether through raffle items or monetary donations, small business sponsorships, hole sponsorships, golfers, volunteers, or simply by showing up—thank you! A special shoutout to The Oaks Golf Links team for their continued partnership in making our event a success in 2024!
Together, we are making a difference. Let’s keep pushing forward to support organizations that fight the stigma surrounding mental health, raise awareness, and bring hope to those struggling.
Together, we can #StopTheStigma.
#SuicideAwareness #suicideprevention #YouNeverWalkAloneFoundation #NeverWalkAloneFoundation #neverwalkalonegolftournament #namiMaine #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthsupporter #mentalhealthmatters #CharityGolfTournament #MentalHealthforAll #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport
‘You Never Walk Alone Inc' is a 501c charity [84-4715697].
Center: Jennifer Thompson, Executive Director of NAMI Maine
Left and right: Sherri and Sam Kenton, Never Walk Alone Founders
Dearest Family & Friends,
We invite you to join us in Augusta, Maine for NAMI Maine's annual NAMIWalks 2023. October 7th presents a powerful chance to leave a significant mark on the mental health landscape
Whether you've previously been a participant with us in Augusta, donated from a far, or a new voice waiting to be heard, we know you will find the festivities truly inspiring and your donation will be bringing #mentalhealthsupport towards #SuicideAwareness and #suicideprevention
This year, join us in changing the world of mental health support beginning at the Augusta Capitol Park
Follow this link to donate to our NAMI Maine Never Walk Alone Inc & Andrew's Army Team:
4th Annual Never Walk Alone Inc. Golf Tournament
was a SOLD OUT event again thanks to you!
Dear Family & Friends of Never Walk Alone Inc,
We are happy to announce that we donated $40,000 this year to NAMI (Maine Chapter). This is an incredible accomplishment by Sherri, Sam and all of you. We cannot thank you enough for your support ❣ In four years we have donated over $130,000. Together, we are making a difference in #suicidesupport, #SuicideAwareness and #suicideprevention🌻
Small businesses, large businesses, individuals, and groups support us every year, and without this support we would not be this successful. Thank you for your kindness, your support and encouragement!
If anyone has any pictures that they want to share for our Facebook page or website, we would love to display them with pride.
#namiemaine #mentalhealthsupporter #MentalHealth4All #mentalhealthmatters
NAMI Maine Studios 15 The Oaks Golf Links
Sol Southern Kitchen and Lounge TGI Fridays Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits - Peabody (Peabody, MA) Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits - Danvers (Danvers, MA) Milford Rotary Club & Foundation, Milford NH Brix + Brine The Crooked Pine Renaissance Renaissance Golf Club Ortus Charters
AS OF APRIL 10, 2023
TGI FRIDAYS - Methuen generously sponsored this event!
Thursday, May 18th from 9p to 11p.
ALL PROCEEDS went to benefit our Never Walk Alone Foundation❣️It's was a night filled with GREAT entertainment and PRIZES!
#SuicideAwareness #suicideprevention #mentalhealthsupport #neverwalkaloneinc #tgifridays
29th Annual 100 Holes of golf in one day with the milford rotary club
We are beyond grateful for the continued support we have received from the Milford Rotary of New Hampshire! The Rotary will be donating half of the proceeds, for each ticket sold AGAIN this year to our ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc.’s 501C EIN 84-471569’ ❤️❤️❤️
This years event is being held on
Please consider helping The Milford NH Rotary & You Never Walk Alone by purchasing a ticket!
Click ticket image on left or purchase button below.
Friday June 16, 2023
* * Rain or Shine * * held at:
6:00 a.m. Tee Off
Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits ~ December Fundraiser
Kappy's of Massachusetts collected and donated over $15,000 towards our mission, WOW!!! This is incredibly generous and we cannot thank the owners enough.
Our Foundation holds a special meaning to a Kappy’s owner who lost his sister to suicide over 20 years ago. Kappy's of Massachusetts elected to hold a bourbon online fundraiser, in December 2023, where customers donated a $1 per entry to benefit our Never Walk Alone Inc Foundation. A beautiful act of love and kindness thanks to Martin, Scott & Jimmy 💝Donation delivered to us in January 2023.
#SuicideAwareness #suicideprevention #mentalhealthmatters
We are so proud to announce that we have donated again, to NAMI Maine, from our June 10th, SOLD-OUT 3rd Annual Golf Tournament❣❣❣
Never Walk Alone Inc continues to help break the stigma of suicide & we could never have done this without all of you🥰. Your support over the last three years has been amazing. Since we started our foundation, we have donated a total of $88,000 🤩 and we are not finished in our mission to prevent suicide!
#SuicideAwareness #suicideprevention #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawareness
JUNE 23, 2022
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation and a big “THANK YOU” to TGI Fridays, their AMAZING General Manager, Angela Hennington, the FABULOUS performance by all the Queens & the WONDERFUL video compiled by Studios15 above!
3rd Annual Never Walk Alone Inc. Golf Tournament
was a SOLD OUT event thanks to you!
Friday, June 10th 2022 was our 3rd Annual You Never Walk Alone Golf Tournament at The Oaks Links Golf Club in Somersworth, New Hampshire. For the ! You helped us in our efforts to raise a fantastic amount of money, at our SOLD OUT golf tournament, in support of suicide awareness, suicide prevention and mental health support for NAMI Alliance on Mental Illness ~ Maine. THANK YOU!
As you all are aware, our Never Walk Alone Inc. Golf Tournament has been lovingly created in memory of Andrew Michael Casey. We, Andrew’s family, believe that those in need should “NEVER WALK ALONE”. We are looking forward to 2023 and your continued support!
June 10th, 2022 ~ 3rd Annual Never Walk Alone Golf Tournament Brochure
3rd Annual Never Walk Alone Golf Tournament Brochure
2022 mildford nh rotary
100 holes of golf in one day!!!
We are beyond grateful for the last three years of support we received from Milford Rotary of New Hampshire
This years event is being held on
June 16th ,2023
Please consider helping The Milford NH Rotary & You Never Walk Alone by purchasing a ticket! The Rotary will be donating half the proceeds, for each ticket sold AGAIN this year to our ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc.’s 501C EIN 84-471569’ ❤️❤️❤️ #neverwalkalonecharitygolftournament #100HolesofGolfinOneDay #neverwalkaloneinc #neverwalkalonefoundation #amherstcountryclub #milfordnhrotaryclub #milfordnh #suicideprevention #suicideawareness
Friday, June 16th, 2023
* * Rain or Shine * * held at:
6:00 a.m. Tee Off
We're heading to Augusta, Maine again this year!
Join us on October 8th for NAMIWalks & NAMI Maine's fundraising event.
Can't make it, you can support us, Andrew's Army, from your location with a donation here:
ANDREW’S ARMY - NAMIWalks Fundraiser
#suicideprevention #suicideawareness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthadvocate
Our Participation in 2021 Calendar Year
Sam, Sherri, Ryan and Lauren, and our ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc.’ foundation would like to thank you. Due to your support over the last two years, we have made a difference together in bringing awareness in the prevention of suicide. We donated $50,000 to NAMI of Maine over the last two years, and we could never have surpassed our goals without your support.
What an incredible gift from all of you to help us break the stigma of suicide! We wish you and your families a safe and healthy 2022. We hope all of you take great pride in supporting a much needed cause. You all deserve a standing ovation.
Remember to not be afraid to talk about breaking the stigma of suicide! Give your family and friends an extra hug on occasion, and we hope to see all of you again next year at our third annual event taking place on June 10, 2022 at the Oaks Links Golf Club in Somersworth New Hampshire. (information coming in 2022).
If anyone has some pictures from last year’s event, we would love to see them! Please email them to neverwalkalonefoundation@yahoo.com
Thank you again, and God bless!
Sam,Sherri ,Ryan and Lauren
You Never Walk Alone Inc.
Celebrating our 2021 contribution to NAMI | Maine:
On Friday, June 25, 2021 we held our 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. What a GREAT success it was with you helping us raise $30K ❣ Our efforts not only raised money, we raised Suicide Awareness and Suicide Prevention with your help to Stop Suicide. We were delighted to donate these funds to NAMI Alliance on Mental Illness ~ Maine in our continued support for their mission of #MentalHealthForAll ❣❣❣
#mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #neverwalkalone #neverwalkalonegolfcharitytournament #NAMIMaine
Pictured: Above Sam and Sherri Kenton with
NAMI Maine Director of Suicide Prevention, Greg Marley, LCSW, Advancement Manager Diana Jagde
Pictured below is Andrews family Sam, Sherri, Ryan and Lauren with Greg Marley and Diana Jagde following there check signing donation to NAMI.
Click on picture above and link the NAMI Maine’s Instagram page
Click on picture above to link to NAMI Alliance on Mental Illness ~ Maine website.
Never Walk Alone Foundation joined hundreds of community members, on Saturday October 9th, 2021 at Capitol Plaza 33 Union St. in Augusta Maine from 9am-1pm to walk for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Together walkers raised OVER $81,980!
Donations can still be make at the link below:
On August 23, Andrew would have been 32 years old. My wonderful son, whom we all miss dearly, left us Sept. 17, 2019, by suicide. Our family created a 501c "You Never Walk Alone Foundation" soon after. We strive each day to bring awareness and help to those who struggle with suicide and depression. Our foundation is closely tied to supporting NAIMI Alliance of Maine in making sure no Mainers stand alone.

Beyond grateful for the 2020 “100 Holes of Golf” outpouring of love & support!