We are beyond grateful for the outpouring of love & support again, this year, for the 3rd year!!!
Sam Kenton has proudly supported
The Milford NH Rotary Club in their 100 Holes of Golf in One Day charity events. Sam has joyfully given 26 years of dedication and personally raised over $30K in donations.
The Milford NH Rotary’s 27th Annual 100 Holes of Golf in One Day
The Milford NH Rotary Club’s 27th Annual 100 Holes of Golf in One Day
For the third year in a row, two great charities have teamed together to make a difference! Since Sam & Sherri have started ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc.’, to help break the stigma of suicide, the Milford NH Rotary has been splitting the proceeds for every raffle ticket that Sam sells. So for every $20 raffle ticket bought, to win $500 to $5000, the Milford NH Rotary charities $10 to ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc.’.
In 2021, Sam sold 145 tickets raising $2900. These donations were split, and ‘You Never Walk Alone Inc’ received $1450 which was part of the $30K donated to NAMI.org !!!
The goal this year, is to sell 175 tickets for a total of $3500 to be split between both charities.
We’d like to extend additional recognition & gratitude for the support of
WE ARE BEYOND GRAEFUL FOR THE LOVING support we received Friday, june 26th, 20!!!
At 100 Holes of Golf in One Day fundraiser we had $3,120 in our own ticket sales...$200 guest donation (thank you Jason)...$3,700 from a ticket seller who sold $10K from Milford Rotary & very generous loving supporters Thank you thank you thank you
#neverwalkalonecharitygolftournament #100HolesofGolfinOneDay #neverwalkaloneinc #neverwalkalonefoundation #amherstcountryclub #milfordnhrotaryclub #milfordnh #suicideprevention #suicideawareness