All photography provided by Andrew’s loving family

We have founded “Never Walk Alone Inc.”, a non-profit foundation, to support suicide prevention and awareness. “Never Walk Alone Inc.” has been founded in loving memory of Andrew Michael Casey. We are Andrew’s family. Sadly, our family was affected when Andrew died, by suicide, on September 17, 2019.

Andrew was a bright successful happy young man that had just celebrated his 30 birthday. He was newly engaged, working on their new home, recently received a job promotion, loved skiing, golf, fishing, traveling, his family, friends, dog…. Andrew never showed any of us any signs of mental illness. He never suggested or gave us, his family, or his friends any indication that he contemplated taking his life by suicide. Never Walk Alone is built with the hopes that their will be “No more Andrew’s”!

Our family’s mission is to bring awareness, invite open discussions about suicide and to stop the stigma of suicide. We hope to support other families affected by suicide; as well as survivors who suffer mental illness and depression.

Please consider joining us in one of our fundraising efforts, discover personal support and assistance at our Helpful Links page which is filled with vital resources, visit us and follow us on Instagram and Facebook & our Facebook public discussion group.

We welcome you to contact us with other links and additional information helpful to our family’s mission.

Thank you in advance for your support & for visiting us here,

Sherri, Sam, Ryan & Lauren

Our Family
Through support, education, and advocacy NAMI Maine is dedicated to building better lives for the 1 in 4 Mainers who are affected by mental illness.
NAMI Maine


  • Never Walk Alone Inc. Facebook Private Discussion Group - built to share helpful information in a private discussion group. Consider joining our Facebook Never Walk Alone Discussion Group.

  • Never Walk Alone Inc. Suicide Awareness Facebook & Instagram accounts have been created to allow for family & friends to remember Andrew & for us to share our efforts with you. Visit us and Follow us on Instagram and Facebook .

  • Never Walk Alone Annual Memorial Golf Tournament

    The 6th annual golf tournament is being held on June 20th2025 at The Oaks Links Golf Club Somersworth New Hampshire. We’ve raised over $150,000 in the last 5 years thanks to our Sponsors and Golfers! And, donations from people like you.

    Donations can be made via PayPal link below or with a check. Checks should be made payable to:

    You Never Walk Alone Inc.

    Memo: 501c EIN 84-4715697

    Mail to PO Box 959 West End Nc

  • 27376

Donations accepted via PayPal

Donations accepted via PayPal

You don’t have a PayPal account…. you can make a tax deductible donation with a check payable to: You never Walk Alone Inc. [Memo: 501c EIN 84-4715697]